Monday, May 31, 2010

Crazy Chocolate Cupcakes

 I made this for Mr Hubby's niece's akad nikah exchanged gifts ceremony  last Saturday....A last minute decisions actually, as I am not sure whether to make this for her or not...Frankly this was my first time making  chocolate cake without eggs in it!....Coincidently, I ran out of eggs that Friday night..but still wanted to make something to give it as a gift...been aiming to do  this since quite sometimes, as I saw some bloggers have already tried making chocolate cakes without using eggs...true enough, the cake comes out as soft as cakes that are with eggs...worth trying and very economical!!! Original recipe was Crazy Chocolate Cake, but since I baked them in souffle cups, I changed it to Crazy Chocolate Cupcakes..hehe..Thank you dear owner for this nice recipe.

For the ganache, I just used my chocolate ganache, which I have already posted before..decorations was also made used of whatever available in my baking pantry...

1 cawan tepung gandum-(1 cup plain flour)
1 cawan gula halus- Ayu gunakan 3/4 cawan -(1 cup fine sugar-Ayu used 3/4 cup)
3 sudu besar serbuk koko-(3 tbsp cocoa powder)
1 sudu kecil baking soda-(1 tsp baking soda)
1 sudu kecil baking powder-(1 tsp baking powder)
1/2 sudu kecil garam-(1/2 tsp salt)
1/3 cawan minyak sayuran atau minyak masak-(1/3 cup vegetable oil or any cooking oil)
1 sudu besar cuka-(1 tbsp vinegar)
1 sudu kecil vanilla-(1 tsp vanilla essence)
1 cawan air sejuk-(1 cup cold water)

Dalam mixing bowl, masukkan semua bahan yang kering-(tepung, gula, koko,baking soda, baking powder, garam). Gaul sebati. Masukkan semua kandungan cecair- (minyak, cuka, vanilla, air) dan gaul sebati. Masukkan dalam loyang yang dah disapu mentega/minyak sedikit. Bakar dalam oven pada 180C selama 30 minit atau hingga tester bersih bila dicucuk keluar kek dari kek. Boleh dihiaskan dengan frosting kegemaran masing2. -(In a mixing bowl, combine all dry ingredients-flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder and salt and mix well. Add in liquid ingrdients- oil, vinegar, vanilla essence and water and mix well. Pour into a greased tray and bake at 180C for 30 miniutes or till a tester insert in the centre comes out clean. When ready can decorate using your favourite frostings)

This was one of those that left behind for the kids, without the decorations..


Today the start of one month school holidays in Singapore for mostly Primary & Secondary schools, not sure about other tertiary schools but I am sure, my house would be like the 'market', as the kids would surely make a lot of noises and I will become the mediator when they quarrel!! Just imagine how many times I have to stop typing this entry just now just to 'settle', the two kids for 'hammerring' each other.... haizzz..

I made this on Friday, since Mr Hubby was at home...the last time I made this was during the last Hari Raya...kenyang tau makan ni...dah tak payah makan nasi, or makan a bit late after that lah...anyway this recipe was what I adjusted to my taste, after comparing some recipes here and there..but you still can go over to the below add for more details..

500g minced beef(or sliced beef)-(500g daging lembu kisar atau daging dihiris)
3 tbsp chili paste-(3 sudu besar cili kisar)
3 tbsp minced garlics-(3 sudu besar bawang putih kisar)
2 tbsp minced ginger-(2 sudu besar halia kisar)
4 tbsp curry powder-(4 sudu besar serbuk kari daging)
1 big onion diced-(1 biji bawang besar dipotong dadu)
1 tomato diced-(1 biji toamto dipotong dadu)
1 cup mix vegetables-(1 cawan sayur campuran)
1 can medium size tomato puree-(1 tin tomato puree size sederhana)
4 tbsp tomato sauce-(4 sudu besar tomato sos)
1/2 -1 tbsp sugar-(1/2 -1 sudu besar gula)
1-2 cups of water-(1-2 cawan air)
salt and MSG to taste-(garam & serbuk perasa)

Ingredients for toppings:-(Bahan untuk taburan)
2 big onions diced-(2 biji bawang besar dipotong dadu)
2 tomatoes diced-(2 biji tomato dipotong dadu)
some coriander leaves or chinese celery-(sedikit daun ketumbar atau daun sup)
1-2 red chilies sliced-(1-2 lada merah dihiris halus))
1-2 green chilies sliced-(1-2 lada hijau dihiris halus)
2 tbsp fried shallots (optional)-(2 sudu besar bawang goreng-optional)
6 eggs-(6 biji telur)

Mix minced beef with garlics, ginger, and curry powder. Let it rest for at least 20 minutes.
Heat oil in wok and saute onions till soft. Add in chili paste and cook till oil goes up the surface.
Add in marinated beef and stir well. Add in 1-2 cups of water. When beef has reached 3/4 cooked, add in tomato puree, tomato sauce, mixed vegetables and diced tomatoes. Stir well and add in salt, sugar and MSG to taste. Adjust the taste(it should be a bit sour, sweet etc) according to your preferences. Let it simmer for a while and dish out.The mixture shouldn't be too thick or too thin.-(Campurkan daging, dengan bawang putih kisar, halia kisar, serbuk kari dan biarkan selama 20 minit. Panaskan minyak dan tumins bawang besar hingga layu. Masukkan cili kisar dan kacau hingga pecah minyak. Masukkan perapan daging tadi dan gaul rata. Masukkan 1-2 cawan air. Bila daging sudah hampir 3/4 masak, masukkan tomato puri, tomato sos, sayur campuran dan toamto yang dipotonfg dadu tadi. Kacau rata dan masukkan garam, gula & serbuk perasa secukup rasa. Sesuaikan rasa-ia harus ada masam dan manisnya.. Biarkan ia reneh sebentar dan matikan api. Shabsuka ini haruslah tidak terlalu cair atau kering.)

Method for preparing Shabsuka:-(Cara menyediakan dan menghidang shabsuka)
Put the beef in a bake able dish and level it.
Sprinkle all the topping ingredients like the tomatoes, onions, chillies, coriander leaves and fried shallots on top of the beef mixture. Make small holes for eggs and bake at 180C degrees for 15 minutes or at least till the eggs are almost cooked. Scoop the some mixture and serve hot with white toasted soft bread or toasted french loaves.-(Bila daging sudah masak, masukkan kedalam loyang atau mangkuk yang boleh dibakar dan ratakan. Taburkan bahan2 taburan, seperti tomato, bawang, lada, daun ketumbar/sup dan bawang goreng diatas daging tadi. Buatkan lubang untuk telur dan bakar 180C selam 15 minit atau hingga telur hampir masak. Ceduk sedikit adunan tadi dan hidangkan dengan roti putih atau roti perancis bakar/panggang)

Note* Another method of serving shabsuka.
Serve beef mixture on a plate. Sprinkle the toppings. Add fried eggs.(No need to bake)..
and dip in with bread.-(Kaedah lain, ketika menghidangkan shabsuka, adalah, ceduk adunan daging keatas pinggan, taburkan bahan2 taburan dan makan  dengan telur yang sudah digoreng dan cicah dengan roti.(Tak perlu dibakar)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kuih Talam Bengkak

Ok, aduh penat mentype ni...last entry for today..insyaallah bertemu lagi minggu hadapan..cause tomorrow holiday, Mr Hubby will be at home, and dont think can lepak2 and update my blog..kalau curi2 jenguk blog kawan2 oklah juga..hehehe, ini nak promote sikit....

Kuih Talam Bengkak ni is very the SEEEEDAPPPPP!!well at least to my family lah ya....recipe from Kak Wan....why they call this talam bengkak, I also tak tahu..mana yang bengkaknya tu..mungkin atas nya yang dibakar and nampak macam bengkak kot?..kikiki...tapi, we really like this kuih you know...kan aku dah speaking bercampur melayu dah ni...memang ini salah satu kuih yang masuk dalam category akan buat lagi!....

Bahan Lapisan Bawah-(Ingredients for below layer)
60gm tepung beras-(60g rice flour)
30gm tepung hoen kwe-(30g hoen kwee flour)
300ml santan pekat KARA-(300 ml coconut milk KARA)
1/4 sudu teh garam-(1/4 tsp salt)
200ml sirap gula melaka (1 ketul gula melaka dimasak dengan 100ml air)-(200ml palm sugar syrup-1 small block boiled with 100ml water)

Bahan Lapisan Atas-(Ingredients for top layer)
60gm tepung beras-(60g rice flour)
30gm tepung hoen kwe-(30g hoen kwee flour)
100gm gula halus-(100g fine sugar)
1/4 sudu teh garam-(1/4 tsp salt)
300ml santan pekat KARA-(300ml coconut milk KARA)
200ml air-(200ml water)

Loyang 8" empat segi-(8"square tray)

Satukan bahan lapisan bawah, tapis dan masukkan ke dalam periuk non stick dan masak dengan api perlahan hingga mula pekat. Angkat dan segera tuangkan kedalam loyang yang telah dialas dengan daun pisang.
Ratakan adunan tadi dan kukus selama 15 minit. Angkat dan ketepikan.
 Sementara itu satukan bahan lapisan atas, tapis dan masak dalam periuk non stick hingga mula pekat dan dengan segera tuangkan keatas lapisan bawah tadi. Tutup loyang dengan aluminium foil dan kukus lagi selama 15 minit. Angkat dari pengukus dan masukkan ke dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu dan bakar pada suhu 200c selama 25 minit atau hingga kekuningan.-(Combine ingredients for below layer, strained and put to boil in a non stick pan on a slow heat till almost thickens. Dish out and quickly pour into tray which has been laid with banana leaves. Level mixture and steam for 15 minutes. Carry out and put aside. Meanwhile, combine ingredients for top layer, strained and put to boil  in a non stick pan till almost thickens and quickly pour mixture onto below layer. Cove tray with aluminium foil and steam for 15 minutes. Carry out from steamer and bake in a preheat oven for 25 minutes at 200C or till golden yellow.)

Nasi Lemak Kukus

Decided to make this for lunch today...steamed it, for 3 times!..hehe..but didnt soak the rice overnight cause as usual, last minute decisions in the mum was puzzled why I have to steam for so many times...I told her to get that long grains... my dad  dah berulang alik kedapur, asik tengok dah masak kebelum..haha..sebab dah lapar and nasi belum termasak2 lagi....

So basically I soaked the rice pun lebih kurang aje and steam it, by placing banana leaves in the steamer and placed the rice on it...Side dishes to go along was Kangkung Goreng bawang puith, telur dadar, sambal tumis udang and ikan benggol goreng, top up with some fried ground nut  and fried anchovies..nasi ni muai tau, sebab tak ada kerak..

5 cawan beras-(5 cups rice)
2 biji pati santan-(2 whole thick coocnut milk)
3 helai daun pandan-(3 pandan leaves)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)

Didihkan air dalam pengukus. Basuh beras dan kukus dalam pengukus selama 20 minit atau beras separuh masak. Keluarkan beras dari pengukus dan rendam dengan air sekurang-kurangnya 3-4 jam supaya beras memanjang 2 kali ganda.-(Put steamer to boil. Wash rice and steam for 20 minutes or till rice is half cooked. Dish out rice from steamer and soak for at least 3-4 hours so that the rice will be doubled in length.)
Tukar air selalu jika perlu penyejukan lebih cepat. Setelah itu, kukus semula beras yang telah memanjang tadi hingga masak atau lebih kurang 15 minit. Keluarkan nasi yang telah masak dan gaul bersama santan yang telah dicampur garam dan biar seketika atau 10 minit supaya santan menyerap masuk dalam beras. Akhir sekali, kukus lagi sekali bersama daun pandan hingga nasi kelihatan berderai, cantik dan santan yang terserap tadi masak.-(Change water frequently, to get the speedy room temperature. Steam again till cooked for another 15 minutes. Dish out the rice again, and mix with coconut milk and let it for awhile for 10 minutes so as the rice absorbs the coconut milk. Lastly steam again together with pandan leaves till rice are nice and the coocnut milk are cooked.)

Semasa mengukus, lubangkan dengan jari beras tersebut supaya masak serata. Sekiranya hendak makan pada pagi, kukus dan rendam pada waktu malam sebelum. Lebih lama rendam, lebih panjang beras. Nasi lemak kukus ini lebih sedap dari yang ditanak biasa dan lebih untung kerana tiada kerak.
-(While steaming the rice, make some holes in the rice so that the steam will make pass tru and cooked the rice evenly. If you want to eat the morning, steam and soak the night before. The longer the rice been soaked, the longer the rice will be. Steam nasi lemak are nicer to eat compared from the normal way nasi lemak and more economical as there are no scales left behing)

Sambal Tumis Udang

When comes to sambal tumis, it is hard to get the right consistency, sweetness, and sourness..I have been trying to get the right amount of taste for quite sometimes....I dont really like sambal that are sweet, although for a nasi lemak and sayur lodeh's sambal you need to have that hind of sweetness in it...

So far, I guessed, for this sambal tumis, I only added about 1/2 tbsp of sugar..and that works for me...still can be improve, I guessed...apa2 pun I like this sambal tumis..hehe

1 cawan air-(1 cup water)
3-4 sudu teh garam-(3-4 tsp salt)
4 ulas bawang merah-(4 shallots)
2 ulas bawang putih-(2 garlics)
4-5 biji cili padi-(4-5 bird eyes chillies)
4-5 sudu makan cili giling-(4-5 tbsp chili paste)
1/2 cawan air asam jawa-(1/2 cup tamarind juice)
1 biji cili merah - dihiris-(1 red chili sliced)
1 labu bawang besar - dihiris-(1 large onion sliced)
garam dan gula secukup rasa-(salt and sugar to taste)

*bahan opsyenal*-optional
2 papan petai- stinky beans

Rebus udang bersama air dan garam sehingga separuh masak...Ketepikan udang bersama air rebusannya...(Cara ini menjadikan isi udang lembut dimakan dan hidangan kurang berminyak)
Tumbukkan bawang merah, bawang putih dan cili padi...Panaskan minyak dan tumiskan bahan-bahan yang ditumbuk...Masukkan cili giling...Masukkan petai kalau suka... Kemudian, masukkan udang dan air rebusannya...Biarkan agak kering kemudian masukkan air asam jawa... Masukkan hirisan cili merah dan bawang besar...Bubuhkan garam dan gula secukup rasa...Angkat apabila mendapat kekeringan yang dikehendaki...Sedia untuk dihidangkan.-(Boil prawns together with some salt till half cooked. Dish out and put aside, keep the stock too. (The method used here so that the prawns are tender to eat and the dish is not oily). Ground, shallots, garlics and bird eyes chillies. Heat oil and saute grounded ingredients. Add in chili paste, and stink beans if preferred. Add in prawns and prawns stock. Let it a bit dry then add in tamarind juice. Add in sliced red chillies and large onion. Add some salt and sugar to taste. Dish out to to your own preference for the gravy consistency. Ready and serve)

Bihun Goreng Siam Bersos

Oklah, I think Hasif pun dah malu tu muka dia ditayang lama I quickly  put in new entry, mee hoon/bihun goreng siam bersos ni I buat yesterday for dinner..actually wanted to post yesterday night, but I've got a guest came over, so itu yang tak sempat nak masuk entry...malas nak masak nasi and lauk, so just made this to alas perut...

This mee hoon/bihun goreng siam somehow it is like mee siam kuah, but for this one, the sauce tu just pour over sikit aje and  mix, basically macam mee hoon goreng yang ala2 basahlah gitu.., another difference was that the use of biji sawi(mustard) in it, to me it is nice and suits my tekak...

300g Bihun-(300g bihun)
1 keping tauhu-(1 piece hard beancurd)
 2 biji Telur rebus-(2 hard boiled eggs)

100g Taugeh-(100g bean sprout)
 sedikit daun bawang -(some spring onions)
2 sudu besar udang kering -(2 tbsp dried shrimps)

2 sudu besar Pes cili -(2 tbsp chili paste)
2 sudu besar Sos cili-(2 tbsp chili sauce)
2 ulas bawang merah-(2 shallots)
2 ulas  bawang putih dicincang-(2 garlics minced)
2 sudu besar kicap pekat-(2 tbsp soy sauce)
1 sudu besar sos tiram -(1 tbsp oyster sauce)
1/2 sudu besar biji sawi-kalau nak lebih pun boleh -(1/2 tsp mustard seeds)-if more also can
 garam & gula secukup rasa-(salt and sugar to taste)

Bahan Untuk sos:- Ingredients for Sauce:-
2 ulas bawang merah-(2 shallots)
1ulas bawang putih dicincang halus-(1 garlic minced)
2 sudu besar taucu -(2 tbsp salted soya beans)
1 sudu besar pes cili -(1 tbsp chili paste)
1 sudu kecil belacan goreng yang dicairkan bersama sedikit air -(1 tsp grilled dried shrimp paste mix with some water)
  garam & gula secukup rasa-(salt and sugar to taste)

Goreng tauhu. Apabila garing, angkat dan ketepikan.-(Fry beancurd, dish out and put aside)
Tumbuk udang kering hingga hancur.-(ground dried shrimps till fine)
Tumis bawang putih hingga naik bau dan masukkan bawang merah. Kacau hingga layu.-(Saute garlics till fragrant and add in shallots. Stir till soft)
Masukkan biji sawi, pes cili, dan udang kering tumbuk. Kacau hingga pecah minyak.-(Add in mustards seeds, chili paste, and grounded dried shrimps)
Masukkan sos tiram, kicap pekat, dan sos cili. Kacau rata.-(Add in oyster sauce, soy sauce and chili sauce. Stir well.)
Masukkan bihun. Gaul rata, masukkan daun bawang dan taugeh. Gaul hingga sebati dan taugeh sedikit layu.-(Add in mee hoon/bihun, mix well and add in spring onions and bean sprout. Mix till incoporated and beansprout slightly soft.)

Menyediakan sosnya
Tumbuk taucu(Ayu bilas sikit dulu) hingga hancur dan gaul dengan sedikit air.-(Ground salted soya beans(I rinsed slightly first) till fine and mix with some water.)
Tumis bawang putih hingga naik bau, diikuti dengan bawang merah.-(Saute garlics till fragrant followed by shallots.)
Apabila layu, masukkan pes cili dan kacau hingga pecah minyak.-(When soft add in chili paste and mix till oil rises up the surface.)
Masukkan taucu tumbuk dan belacan. Kacau hingga pecah minyak.-(Add in grounded salted soya beans and dries shrimp paste and stir till oil rises up the surface.)
Masukkan gula, 1 cawan air, dan garam. Masak hingga sos pekat.-(Add in sugar, 1 cup of water and salt. Cook till sauce thickens.)
Hidang Bihun Goreng Siam bersama, sos, tauhu goreng dan telur rebus.-(Serve bihun goreng siam, with sauce, fried tauhu adn boiled eggs.)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Circle Of Friends Award

Got this  from Love2cook, 
The Circle of Friends Award...
May with this award, our friendship will last forever and may
the circle of friendship be shared among other blogger friends too.
Thank you Love!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Ikan Pari Masak Hijau

A few years back when I was still working, I remembered a collegue of mine reserved a Straits Peranakan Restaurant for a farewell lunch for one our collegue who was leaving the company.. The name of the restaurant if I am not mistaken was 'Casa Bon Vento'..located somewhere in Joo Chiat Road or near Katong area..this restaurant signature dish was baby sting ray marinated in sambal belacan...we loved this dish and only if I can get the recipe isnt it good, telling myself at that time..

Then  after a while, there  was this cooking programme in Suria channel, that featured this recipe which was demonstrated by the owner herself!!...wah quickly  search for a pen for this  recipe, but miss some part of it..while looking for one!! basically ingat2 lupa lah ni..but I 've remembered  the main ingredients was to use baby stingray and sambal below was what I adjusted myself for this dish, which I think almost like the real ones..hehe

2-3 ekor anak ikan pari-dibersihkan, potong, gaul dengan kunyit & garam.
1 sudu besar bawang putih kisar
2 sudu besar sambal belacan
3-4 batang daun kari
3 batang cili hijau dihiris
1-2 sudu kecil serbuk lada hitam
garam & serbuk perasa secukupnya

Campurkan bawang putih, serbuk lada hitam, sambal belacan dan ketepikan. Panaskan minyak, goreng ikan pari hingga agak garing. Angkat, toskan dan ketepikan. Kurangkan minyak kalau gunakan minyak gorengan ikan tadi. Masukkan campuran, sambal belacan, bawang putih, serbuk lada hitam dan tumis hingga naik bau. Masukkan lada hijau dan daun kari, kacau rata . Masukkan sedikit perasa dan garam kalau necessary dan gaul rata. Masukkan ikan pari yang telah digoreng tadi dan kacau gaul rata. Biarkan sekejap hingga tumisan tadi sebati dan meresap dengan isi ikan. Matikan api. Siap untuk dihidang.
Sources:-From a cooking programme in suria channel

Kobis Goreng Telur Asin

Our vegetable dish, oh yes, today's entries are not today's menu ya..all are last week's dish...saw this recipe in  Zalieda's kitchen...gave it a try..cause I wanted to use up my long kept already boiled salted mum dah nak buang aje telur asin tu tapi I said dont, cause they are still in good conditions, 'air packed' lagi tau..she said she preferred those eggs yang we boiled sendiri dari yang dah siap direbus..hehe....

After frying this, I tried rasa, uih sedap tau, lagi kalau dimakan panas2...believe it or not, I fried this cabbage using half of a small green cabbage with 2 salted egg yolks..habis kau..hehe, me eating all alone..

Kobis (bulat takpe, yg panjang pun takpe)-(cabbage-either round or long ones)
1/2 biji Bawang Besar-(1/2 large onion sliced)
2 ulas bawang putih-(2 garlics)
1 biji telur manis @ asin-Ayu gunakan kuning telur asinnya aje-(1 salted egg- Ayu used just the egg yolk)
1/2 biji cili ( kalau pakai lada benggala lg ok kot coz ada warna-warni sikit)-(1/2 chili- Ayu used bird eyes chillies- can also usethose green/yellow/red  pepper for more colours)
minyak secukupnya-(enough oil)
garam & perasa kalau mahu-(salt & msg if necessary)

1. Panaskan minyak. Tumiskan bawang putih hingga naik bau dan seterusnya bolehlah dimasukkan bawang besar dan cili. Biarkan layu sedikit aje.-(Heat oil, saute sliced garlics till fragrant ,add in sliced onions and sliced chillies and stir till slightly soft.)
2. kemudian, bolehlah dimasukkan telur masin. Cincangkan telur kuning tadi tu dgn senduk supaya hancur. Kacau hingga sebati..-(Add in salted egg yolk, mashed it with the ladle and stir well.)
3. Bila dah sebati, blhlah dimasukkan kobis. Biarkan ianya sedikit layu dan blhlah diangkat. Jgn masak lama sgt tau.. Siap dan blhlah dihidangkan.-(When incorporated, add in sliced cabbage and stir till slightly soft and dish out. Dont overcook and ready to serve.)

Nota :  Saya masak nie untuk sekali makan jer dalam anggaran sepiring. kalau masak lebih, blhlah ditambah bahan2 yang lain yer-(Zalieda, cooks this for 1 time meal, approximately for a small plate, if wants to cook more just double the ingredients)

Kerang Rebus Serai

'Boiled cockles in lemon grass'...gravy dish for the family cause of all the dry dishes...Add water, with sliced chillies, onion, garlics and crushed lemon grass, can also add in turmeric leaves if you want.. to boil. When bubbling just add washed and cleaned cockles in and let it cooked till shells are open..Add some salt and msg /sugar to taste and ready.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Chocolate Banana Swirl Cake

Bake this last week actually, straight after the kids finished their exams..hahaha..cause really missed baking..
this time tried this recipe from Aunty Yochana. I adjusted some to suits my taste..didnt add the base ingredients as my kids dont like walnuts in their cake.. When making this my advice is to really beat the sugar and butter to really creamy and pale to get that soft, melt in your mouth cake!..

Remember too, that since the cake uses banana in the ingredients, the quantity of sugar is also important, of course up to your preference lah for me 185g that I used, Mr Hubby said it was still quite maybe next time I will use 175g?..Apa2 pun this cake meets my expectations!..I like it.

ps:- For Lin, this is the cake that I passed it to you the other day..only today then I updated here!..haha
Glad you like it, and more cakes to be shared if there are enough for everyone!..

Ingredients for the base of the pan: (Bahan untuk bawah loyang)
Mix together and sprinkle at base of pan-(Campurkan bahan2 dan taburkan dibawah loyang)
2 Tbsp. Butter-(2 sudu besar mentega)
1/3 cup finely chopped walnuts-(1/3 cawan walnut cincang)
2 Tbsp. castor sugar -(2 sudu besar gula kastor)
(Ayu omit this)-(Ayu tak bubuhkan ini)

Ingredient for cake:-
250 gm. Cake flour-(250g tepung kek)
2 tsp. baking powder-(2 sudu kecil baking powder)
1/4 tsp. Bicarbonate of Soda-(1/4 sudu kecil bicarbonate soda)
1/4 tsp. salt-(1/4 sudu kecil garam)
185 gm. Butter-Ayu used 200g-(185g mentega -Ayu gunakan 200g)
200 gm. sugar-Ayu used 185g-(200g gula-Ayu gunakan 185g)
1 tsp. vanilla essence-(1 sudu kecil vanilla esen)
3 large eggs-( 3 telur size besar)
3 very ripe bananas - peeled and mashed till fine-Ayu used 190g-(3 pisang yang masak dilecek halus- Ayu gunakan 190g)
6 Tbsp. ( 3 ozs.) Buttermilk or sour cream-Ayu used 90g sour cream-(6 sudu besar buttermilk atau sourcream- Ayu gunakan 90g sour cream)
120 gm. Dark chocolate - melted + Ayu used 1/2 tsp cocoa powder-(120g coklat masakan pahit dicairkan +Ayu tambahkan 1/2 sudu kecil serbuk koko)

Sprinkle ingredients for the base into the pan. Sieve flour, baking powder, salt and bicarbonate of soda toghether and leave aside. Beat butter and sugar together till creamy and pale.Add in mashed bananas and vanilla essence and mix well. Add in eggs one at a time beating till just incorporated. Fold in the flour mixture alternately with the buttermilk. Divide mixture into 2 parts. Mix one part of the mixture with melted chocolate. Scoop mixture one on top of the other till finished, gently run the spatula through the batter to slightly swirl the batter. Slightly tap the pan on the table.Bake at 175C(Ayu used 170C) for about 45 mins. or till skewer inserted comes out clean. Remove from oven and set aside for 5 mins. before removing from the pan. Leave on a wire rack to cool.-(Taburkan bahan2 untuk bawah loyang. Ayak tepung, baking powder, garam dan bicarbonate soda dan ketepikan. Pukul mentega dan gula hingga kembang dan putih. Masukkan pisang yang dilecek dan vanilla esen dan gaul rata. Masukkan telur satu persatu dan teruskan putar hingga sebati. Masukkan tepung, berselang seli dengan buttermilk atau sour cream. Bagikan dua bahagian. Campurkan 1 adunan dengan coklat yang telah dicairkan+(serbuk koko). Ceduk adunan berselang seli warna hingga habis. Perlahan2, gunakan spatula buat pusingan didalam adunan. Ketuk loyang sedikit diatas meja. Bakar 175C(Ayu bakar dalam170C) selama 45 minit atau bila dicucuk dengan lidi keluarnya bersih. Keluarkan dari oven, dan ketepikan selama 5 minit sebelum dikeluarkan dari loyang. Biarkan diatas rack untuk sejuk.)

Telur Masak Lemak Daun Kunyit

Gravy dish for the go along with the beef...

5 biji telur rebus-Ayu 15 gunakan telur burung-(dikupas kulit dan dikelar sedikit )-(5 hard boiled eggs-I used 15 quail's eggs-peel off shell and slice slightly)
1 sudu besar udang kering dikisar-(1 tbsp dried shrimp minced)
1/2 sudu kecil serbuk kunyit-(1/2 tsp turmeric powder)
2 helai daun kunyit dicarik-(2 turmeric leaves scratch)
1 batang serai dititik-(1 lemon grass bruised)
750ml pati santan-(750ml coocnut milk)
1 keping asam gelugur-(1 dried tamarind slice)
2 biji cili merah dibelah 2-(2 red chillies sliced to halves)
2 biji cili hijau dibelah 2-(2 green chillies sliced halves)
garam & gula secukupnya-(salt and sugar to taste)

*4 biji bawang merah-(4 shallots)
*2 ulas bawang putih-(2 garlics)
*2cm lengkuas-(2cm galangal)
*2cm halia-(2cm ginger)

Satukan telur rebus bersama bahan *dihiris halus, udang kering, daun kunyit, serai, pati santan, garam dan gula didalam periuk diatas api sederhana besar. Biar hingga ia mendidih sambil kacau selalu. Masukkan asam gelugur bersama cili merah dan cili hijau. Kacau hingga kuah pekat. Angkat.-(Combine eggs together with *sliced ingredients, minced dried prawns, turmeric leaves, lemon grass and coconut milk, salt and sugar in a pan and put to boil on a medium heat. Let it boil, and keep on stirring. Add in dried tamarind slice together with red chillies and green chillies. Stir till gravy thickens. Turn off heat.)

Daging Goreng Halia

No mood to cakap banyak...hehe..

200g Daging-(200g beef)
*8 Bawang putih-(8 garlics)
*1 inci  Halia-(1 inch ginger)
1/2 biji bawang besar dihiris-(1/2 large onion sliced)
1 Cili merah dipotong nipis -(1 red chili sliced)
 6  Cili padi dibelah dua-(6 bird eyes chillies crushed)
1/2 cawan kicap-(1/2 cup soy sauce)

Tumbuk halia dan bawang putih hingga lumat. Gaul dengan daging dan kicap. Perap seketika.
Goreng daging. Tambah air supaya daging empuk. Kacau dan tutup kuali hingga kuah hampir kering.
Selepas daging empuk, masukkan bawang besar dan kacau hingga layu. Masukkan cili padi, cili merah, dan tomato jika suka. Masak seketika dan sedia untuk dihidang.-(Ground ginger and garlic till fine. Mix with sliced beef and soy sauce. Let it for a while. Fry beef, add in some water to soften the meat. Mix and cover the pan and let it till it almost dry. When beef are cooked, add in sliced large onions and stir till soft. Add in bird eyes chillies, red chili and tomato if preferred. Cook a little bit longer and ready to be served.)

Nasi Goreng Seafood

Dah lama rasanya tak goreng nasi...made this since I have lots of leftover rice ...I adjusted the below recipes to my taste by adding boiled mussels and turmeric powder..this was for breakfast...

nasi untuk 4-5 orang makan -(rice for 4-5 people)
4 ekor sotong dipotong-(4 squids sliced)
10 ekor udang dibuang kulit-(10 prawns )
1 keping kek ikan-(1 fish cake sliced)
2 biji telur-(2 eggs)
1/2 cawan isi kupang rebus-(Ayu tambah ini)-(1/2 cup boiled mussels-I added this)
sedikit kunyit serbuk(Ayu tambah ini)-(some turmeric powder-I added this)

*2 cili merah-(2 red chillies-I added this)
*5 biji cili padi-(5 bird eyes chillies)
*1 biji bawang besar-(1 large onion)
*2 biji bawang putih-(2 garlic)
garam & serbuk perasa secukupnya-(salt & msg to taste)
sedikit kicap manis-(some sweet soy sauce)

Panaskan minyak dan goreng isi kupang sekejap. Masukkan kunyit serbuk sedikit dan gaul rata. Kemudian masukkan bahan * kisar, kemudian tumiskan hingga naik bau. Masukkan sotong, udang, kek ikan. Masukkan garam & serbuk perasa, kacau sehingga masak dan terus masukkan telur. Gaul kesemuanya. Masukkan nasi dan kicap, gaul sekejap lagi hingga rata dan hidangkan bersama daun sup dan perahan jus limau kasturi/perut.-(Heat oil and fry boiled mussels for a while. Add in turmeric powder and stir well. Add in blended* ingredients, and let it cook till fragrant. Add in squids, prawns, fish cakes. Add in salt and msg to taste and stir till cook and add in eggs. Mix well till incorporated. Add in rice and soy sauce, stir again and when ready, serve with Chinese celery and squeeze in some lime juice.)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lahmacun - Turkish Pizza

This was why I need to cook extra dish for those who dont eat pizza...tried this Turkish pizza, for a change, some recipes was to serve in roll form like the tortilla wraps garnish with salad and tomatoes..of course the base  was suppose to be thinner you can also serve it like  this in pizza form...

I adjusted to my taste by adding some spices and for the base it is a very soft dough, so you must knead till it dont stick to your hands, and try not to add more flour as it will make the base hard..
Since it is a long recipe, those needs translations please shout ya..

Dough:-Yields about 2-3 large lahmacuns
3/4 teaspoon dried yeast
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 1/2 cups lukewarm water
2 1/4 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
Olive oil for bowl & brushing dough

1 tablespoon butter
1 onion, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
8 ounces ground lamb or chuck-(Ayu used 240g minced beef)
1 tomato, peeled, seeded and chopped
1 jalapeno, seeded and finely chopped-(Ayu used 2 red chillies seeded and chopped)
1/2 teaspoon kirmizi biber, or combination sweet paprika and cayenne pepper-(Ayu didnt add this)
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh mint-(Ayu used spring onion)
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh parsley-(Ayu used chicnes celery)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Juice of 1 lemon
(Ayu added 1 tsp cajun, 1 tsp cili powder, 1 tsp paprika)

Combine the yeast and sugar with a little of the warm water, and set aside until mixture is frothy. Sift the flour and salt into a large bowl, and make a well in the center. Add the yeast mixture, along with the remaining warm water. Using your hands, work the mixture into a dough, adding more water if necessary. Transfer dough to a lightly floured surface and knead until pliable and springy, about 5 minutes. Place dough in an oiled bowl, turning to coat, cover with a damp cloth and let rise in a warm place until dough doubles in size, about 1 hour.
Punch down risen dough and knead on a lightly floured surface. Roll into a log and cut into 2 to 3 equal pieces. Roll each piece into a ball, place on floured surface and let rest 30 minutes under a towel.
Preheat oven to 450 degrees F, and preheat baking sheets, tiles, or a baking stone.

Prepare the filling: Melt the butter in a skillet, add the onion and saute until softened, 5 to 7 minutes. Add the garlic and saute another minute. Transfer onion mixture to a large bowl, add remaining ingredients, and mix thoroughly with your fingertips. If mixture seems too dry, add a teaspoon of water.
Place a ball of dough on a floured surface and roll into a round, flat circle, about 1/8-inch thick. Place the round on the oiled, preheated baking sheets or tiles. Brush the top with olive oil and spread with a thin, even layer of the meat filling, leaving a 1/2-inch border around the edge. Repeat with remaining dough and filling.
Bake for 12 to 15 minutes. The dough should still be soft enough to roll up.
Squeeze a little lemon juice over each of the hot lahmacuns, and serve immediately either flat or rolled up into cones.

Sardine Masak Asam Pedas

Cooked this for those who needs to eat rice....especially for my dad who is a 'loyal' fan for rice..hehe..
cant live without them...

5 sudu besar cili kisar
*1 labu bawang merah besar
*3 ulas bawng putih
*1/2 inci halia
*2 inci kunyit hidup
*sedikit belacan(jika suka)
asam jawa (diambil airnya sebanyak 2 mangkuk)
6 biji kentang (dibuang kulit & dibelah 4)-Ayu goreng dulu
minyak untuk menumis
1 tin besar sardin(any brand)-Ayu buang sosnya
garam & aji no moto secukup rasa(jika suka)

Kisar semua bahan*.Panaskan minyak dalam periuk. Setelah minyak panas, tumiskan bahan2 yang dikisar tadi sehingga garing dan naik bau. Masukkan sedikit air, dan kentang yang telah dibelah 4 tadi. Biarkan mendidih dan sehingga kentang empuk. Setelah kentang empuk, masukkan perahan air asam jawa tadi. Akhir sekali masukkan sardin. Biarkan mendidih dan naik minyak. Setelah naik minyak tutup api.Boleh juga ditambahkan tomato jika suka.

Egg Benedict

Quite sometimes since I last made this...wanted to make kuih for Mr Hubby's breakfast, but was too engrossed with 'Sinetron Cinta Fitri', until I realised it was already 10 plus yesterday and was too lazy to bring out the flour and last2 ah just scramble this in the morning..hehe

Recipe already posted here before, anyway I put up here again..

3 eggs
3 pieces of bread edges trimmed (obviously mine did not)
black pepper freshly cracked
a little butter & a pinch of salt

1. Butter the muffin cup
2. Butter the bread and sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper.Placed the bread in the cup.
3.Break an egg on the bread which has been slot into cup, u can sprinkle a little bit of cheese if u want(optional)
4. Bake @180 degrees for 15-20 miniutes or till the whites set and the yolk slightly melted

Sunshine Award From Kak Nur

Thank you to Kak Nur for awarding this 'Orange Gerbera' to me.
May with this award, it will brightens up the food blogging
world and may our friendship will last forever.
Thank you again.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Apam Inti Gula Melaka

When I saw this recipe, and Kak Nur said that it tastes almost macam Kuih Putu Piring... I wanted to try, cause quite sometimes didnt eat putu piring, kalau nak, have to go Geylang baru memandangkan Geylang tu jauh dihujung Singapura dari my place, so I buat lah kuih ni yang memang seakan2 rasanya macam putu piring untuk menghilangkan rasa 'teringin' ku ini..hahaha..

Tapi, liiiiiihatlah, pandanggggglah...apam ku ini tak berapa gebu macam Kak Nur punya....intinya terkeluar dari ring, kat bawah tu..hehe...mok, cuba cari apa silapnya, dicuba beberapa kali semuanya terkeluar isiannya tu..last2 ini sahajalah yang nampak paling molek..kikiki...apa2 pun jangan dipandang serong oleh rupanya ya..kerana rasanya memang enak banget..thank you Kak Nur, for sharing, this recipe!

5 biji telur- (5 eggs)
300g tepung gandum-(300g plain flour)
50g gula pasir-(50g white sugar)
150g gula melaka, dihiris halus-(150g palm sugar, sliced thinly)
100ml santan pekat-(100ml coconut milk)
100ml air-(100ml water)
1 sudu besar ovalette-( 1 tbsp ovalette)

100g gula Melaka, dihiris halus-(100g palm sugar sliced thinly)

Kelapa parut dikukus bersama sedikit garam dan daun pandan.-(Grated coconut steamed with some salt and pandan leaves)

Pukul telur dengan gula pasir dan gula melaka hingga gula hancur lalu masukkan ovalette dan pukul hingga mengental. Santan dan air disatukan. Masukkan santan berselang seli dengan tepung. Tuangkan 1/2 bahagian adunan kedalam acuan, lalu taburkan dengan gula melaka, tutup lagi adunan. Kukus selama 25 minit.  Keluarkan dari kukus dan sejukkan sebentar. taburkan kelapa parut diatasnya dan siap untuk dihidang.-(Beat eggs, sugar and palm sugar till dissolves and add in ovalette and continue beating till still peak. Add in coconut milk alternately with flour. Scoop 1/2 mixture into moulds and sprinkle palm sugar for fillings and cover with another mixture on top. Steam for 25 miniutes. When ready, let cool and sprinkle steamed grated coconut on top before serving.)

Treadfin Soup With Black Pepper

'Sup Ikan Kurau Lada Hitam'..thats the title in Malay..when cooked hot dishes, there must be soupy or not hot dish for the budak perempuan who does not eat hot stuff..memang banyak kerja sikit kalau the penghuni in the house ranges from 70 years old to almost 4 years old..imagine 7 people in the house with 7 taste buds to be entertained....huhu..sometimes if were to cook that dish, the other wont eat and vice versa, basically if were to entertain all at the same time, memanglah pakai nampak 'no life' lah nak makan ke tak nak makan ke..kena makan jugak..sebab kalau tak nak makan kebulurlah kau situ..hehe

4 slices of treadfins- approximately 1kg in weight
1 tsp black peppercorn-grind coarse-I used readymade ones

Ingredients for frying:-
3 shallots
1 red chilli
1cm ginger
 2 garlics
1 tsp black pepper powder
(sliced all the above)

1 stalk spring onion- cut into 1cm length
1 stalk chinese celery-chop coarsely
4 cups water or to preference
2 heaped tbsp black fungus- soak, clean, remove hard stumps and drain-(no stock so I just use oysters mushrooms)
1/2 bundle bean thread vermicelli(soo hoon)-soak and cut into shorter lengths
2 tomatoes-cut in wedges
1 carrot sliced to preference
2 tbsp oil
salt and msg to taste

Wash well fishes and rub with black pepper. Heat oil, add ingredients for frying. When fragrant add spring onions and chinese celery. Stir then add water, salt, msg,carrots, black fungus and vermicelli. When water is boiling, add fishes, cover pot and simmer. When almost cooked add tomatoes wedges.
Sources:-From Zarina Easy cooking

Telur Masak Paprik

Salam, on this Wednesday seems that I have not been updating my blog regularly lately ya..Apa nak buat..time did not permits and adding to since exams are over the boys have been, 'copping' the computer once they are back from school, sampai  2 ekor budak tu bergaduh siapa yang got the right to use first and longer time ..and normally the eldest lah win sebab dia yang install the games and the younger one will come to me and mengadu!.. So while the boys are in school I quickly update what I can ya..hehe

Actually there are a few dishes that have been lining up, which are still in my folder for me to update. These are the dishes that I have cooked but no time to upload.. One of them is this telur masak paprik..this dish is a last minute decision when I have no idea what to cook..hehe

Telur Masak Paprik
Tried & Tested:-Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction 
5 biji telur-(5 eggs)
2 sudu besar cili kisar-(2tbsp cili paste)
2 ulas bawang putih-dikisar/tumbuk-(2 garlics grounded or blended)
2 ulas bawang merah-dikisar/tumbuk-(2 shallots grounded or blended)
2 helai daun limau perut-(2 kaffir leaves)
3 batang cili padi-hancurkan sedikit-(3 bird eyes chillies crushed)
1 bawang besar dipotong 4-(1 large onion quartered)
3 sudu besar sos tiram-(3 tbsp oyster sauce)
3 sudu besar sos cili-(3 tbsp chili sauce)
sedikit kicap-(some soy sauce)
sedikit air-(some water)

Goreng telur dan belahkan 2. Tumiskan bawang yang ditumbuk, cili sehingga garing.Masukkan sos tiram, air,sos cili, cili padi dan sedikit kicap. Tunggu sehingga ia pekat. Akhir sekali masukkan telur yang sudah digoreng tadi. Masukkan bawang yang dibelah 4 tadi. Masakkan paprik tidak menggunakan garam cukup dengan rasa masin dari sos tiram. Hidangkan dengan daun sup diatasnya dan nasi panas.-(Fried eggs and cut to halves. Saute grounded ingredients and chili paste till oil goes up the surface. Add in oyster sauce, water, chilli sauce, bird eys chillies and some soy sauce. Let it thickens. Lastly add in  fried eggs, quartered onions and stir well. Paprik dish does not use salt, just enough salt from the oyster sauce. Serve with chinese celery and warm white rice.)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ayam Masak Asam

 Hi, I can only  managed to update this for today...been busy with the housework and adding to the kids were around  as they conquered the computer to play games...this were not today's menu..frankly I also forgot when was this, but it was during those days that I didn't managed to update my blog...

Tomorrow will be busy too,a housing officer is coming to do a flood test to my common toilet, as our below neighbour has complained that our toilets were leaking!!!(both for master and common toilets..) yesterday and today the common toilet were closed..and we just used the other one...hopefully everything will be settled the soonest, without we have to revamp our both toilets!!!..anyway, will update and describe what really happened about this toilet thingy, which have been buggering me and Mr Hubby for the last few days...

1/2 ekor ayam-(Ayu gunakan 1 ekor dlm 1kg beratnya)-(1/2 chicken - I used 1 whole chicken 1kg)
*3 ulas bawang putih-(3 garlics)
*3 biji bawang kecil-(3 shallots)
*1/2 inci halia-(1/2 inch ginger)
*1/2 inci lengkuas-(1/2 inch galangal)
*1 sudu kecil jintan manis-(1 tsp fennel powder)
10 biji cili api-dibelah 2 tapi tak putus-(10 bird eyes chillies sliced halves)
1 biji bawang besar dipotong bulat-(1 large onion sliced in rings)
1 batang serai diketuk-(1 lemon grass bruised)
2 sudu besar air asam jawa-(2 tbsp tamarind juice)
sedikit air -ayu tambah sendiri -(some water- I added myself)

Ayam dipotong sederhana besar & goreng hingga kekuningan(jangan terlalu garing)(Ayu gaulkan dengan garam & kunyit). Tumbuk bahan bertanda* dan tumis bersama serai hingga kekuningan. Masukkan cili padi, bawang besar, air asam & ayam(Ayu letak air lagi sikit). Perasakan dgn garam.(Ayu letak perasa & gula sikit). Masak hingga kuah agak pekat. Sedia untuk dihidang.-(Cut chicken and fry till golden yellow(dont fry too crispy)-( I marinated with salt and turmeric powder). Ground *ingredients and saute together with lemongrass till light brown. Add in bird eyes chillies, onions, tamarind juice and chicken( I added some water). Add salt to taste(I added msg and some sugar). cook till gravy thickens. Ready to serve.)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sotong Oriental

This was for the boys...sedap juga sotong masak macam ni tau....memang pun ada ke 'oriental'lannya.sebab ada serbuk kari dan pes tomyam di campurkan jadi memang very aunthentic gitu..Recipe was from Madiha
rasanya ada ala2 sotong berempah & sotong paprik pun ada...if you want you can try  this recipe untuk menambah koleksi masakan sotong.. Thank you Madiha I put up the recipe here for sharing ya. :-)

500g sotong - dibersihkan & potong kemudian dicelur sebentar & toskan-(500g squids-cleaned, cut and boiled and drained)
1 tangkai daun kari-(1 sprig curry leaves)
5 ulas bawang merah- dihiris-(5 shallots sliced)
3 ulas bawang putih- dicincang-(3 garlics chopped/minced)
garam & gula secukup rasa-(salt & sugar to taste)
1 biji cili hijau-dihiris(Madiha tambah)-(1 green chili sliced)-(Madiha added)
5-6 biji cili padi campak aje-(ayu tambah..hehe)-(5-6 bird eyes chillies just throw in -ayu added)

Bahan2 ini dicampur jadikan pes-(Ingredients to mix to make paste)
2 sudu besar pes tomyam-(2 tbsp tomyam paste)
2 sudu kecil rempah kari ikan-(2 tsp curry powder)
11/2 sudu besar sos tiram-(11/2 tbsp oyster sauce)
2 sudu kecil sos ikan-(2 tsp fish sauce)
6 sudu besar air panas-(6 tbsp hot water)

Panaskan minyak dan masukkan daun kari, bawang merah, bawang putih dan tumis hingga kekuningan. Campurkan bahan2 pes tadi dan gaul rata & biarkan lebih kurang 3 minit. Masukkan sotong dan cili hijau. kacau rata. Masukkan garam(jika perlu) & gula dan masak 5 minit. Sedia untuk dihidangkan.-(Heat oil and add in curry leaves, shallots, garlics and saute till light brown. Add in paste ingredients and stir well. let it for at least 3 minutes. Add in squids and green chillies and stir well. Add in salt(if necessary), sugar and cook for 5 minutes. Ready to be served.)
Sources:- From

Kerapu Kukus Teochew

This was a few days ago menu...when Mr Hubby was home early...asked him which steam fish recipe that he preferred after showing him this book..he choose this one..'Steamed Grouper Teochew Style'.
This dish is definitely not hot and it suits, those people who are in confinement and in state of recovering ..
as usual the birds eyes chillies I just throw in and it did not make the dish hot as I didnt sliced them..

Marsya ate the chicken bites and the gravy, with white rice and she loved it..
The dish, was quite unique, as chicken meat, salted mustard leaves and mushrooms were added to give the food  more ingredients  instead of just the fish..

As for the boys, this was a no, no dish for I got to cook another dish for them...

1 ekor ikan kerapu-(1 grouper)

Ingredients (A)
2 ulas bawang merah dihiris-(2 shallots sliced)
2 ulas bawang putih dihiris-(2 garlics sliced)
4 cm halia-(4cm ginger sliced)

2 biji limau nips- perah jusnya-(2 lime juice)
garam & gula secukup rasa-(salt and sugar to taste)
sedikit minyak-(some oil)
sedikit air-(some water)
4 hiris halia-(4 slices of ginger)
100g daging ayam dipotong dadu-(100g chicken meat diced)
50g sawi asin-(50g salted mustard leaves)
3 keping cendawan hitam- direndam hingga lembut & hiris-(3 shitake mushrooms-soaked till soft and sliced)
2 tangkai daun ketumbar- dipotong panjang-(2 sprigs coriander leaves sliced lenghtwise)
2 tangkai daun bawang dipotong panjang-(2 sprigs spring onions sliced leghtwise)

Kerapu dibuang perut dan dibersihkan. Kukus dengan 4 hiris halia hingga masak. Ketepikan.
Panaskan minyak masak dalam kuali. Tumiskan bahan (A) hingga naik bau. Masukkan air, daging ayam, cendawan, sawi asin, daun ketumbar dan daun bawang. Kacau hingga sebati. Kemudian masukkan garam, gula dan jus limau nipis. Masak hingga mendidih. Letakkan ikan dalam pinggan hidang. tuangkan kuah tadi atas ikan hingga rata.-(Clean the fish and steam together with 4 slices of ginger till cooked. Put aside. Heat oil and saute ingredients (A) till fragrant. Add in water, chicken meat, mushrooms, salted mustard leaves, coriander leaves and spring onions. Mix till incorporated. Add in salt and sugar and lime juice.Boil till cooked. Place fish on serving dish and pour the gravy mixture onto fish till.)
Sources:-From Aneka Masakan Ikan.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Horlick Doggy Cookies

Ok need to quickly  update, cause in a whiles time the kids will be Iqram's paper was English Paper 2.Tomorrow will be Maths, later when he is back kena drill lagi..ha biarkan sampai 'jendul' dia terkeluar kat belakang kepala pulak...I sat with him to do the Maths till I also see Stars!!!..cause mostly,  all the knowledge already 'Returned back to Teacher' ..huwahhh...Wednesday will be Mother Tongue Paper 2, then Thursday will be Science and after that can relax one cornerlah..hehe

Made this cookies also quite sometimes ago before last, last mum loves this cookies, maybe it was not too sweet..but I would like to be  more sweeter the next time I make them...saw the recipe in here. Marsya loves to eat the 'ears' and 'nose'..and the rest she gave it to mak dia kenyang tepung aje ler..hehe..mysteriously, the boys dont really like them, dont understand why... as Hasif was the one who choose this for his cookies craving...alamak after all the back ache of making them, he just stopped at one!

Anyway, would like to thank the dear owner, for sharing  the recipe and great creativity in creating such cute cookies!...I put up the recipe here for my future reference ya.

250g Butter-(250g mentega)
120g Horlicks-(120g horlicks)
40g corn flour-(40g tepung jagung)
40g milk powder-(40g susu tepung)
250g cake flour-(250g tepung kek)
30g castor sugar-(would like to add more in the future)-(30g gula kastor-saya akan tambahkan lagi dimasa depan)
1 egg yolk-(1 biji telur kuning)

Beat butter and sugar till creamy. Add in egg yolk. Add in Horlick, flour, milk powder and mix well.(dont over done). Weigh dough 10g each and shape into small round ball and decorate with:-(Pukul mentega dan gula hingga kembang. Masukkan kuning telur. Masukkan horlicks, tepung, susu tepung dan gaul rata.(jangan terlalu kacau). Timbang doh seberat 10g dan bentukkan seperti bola kecil dan hiaskan dengan:-)

Ear-Nestle Koko Krunch-(Telinga)
Eyes-Chocolate Rice-(Mata)
Nose- Chocolate Chips-(Hidung)

Bake at preheat oven for 25 minutes at 150C.
Important note:- Immediately store the cookies in an airtight container so that it wont turn soggy once it cooled down.-(Bakar didalam oven yang telah dipanaskan selama 25 minit 150C. Mustahak- Cepat masukkan cookies kedalam balang yg kedap udara, supaya tak jadi lembut bila dah sejuk.))

Macaroni Ayam Kuah Tomato

Good Morning, dah afternoon was your Mother's Day celebrations yesterday?...For me, we just went out for lunch .My parents plus my brother & family from JB, joined us..when asked my mum where she would like to go and eat, she preferred Hajah Maimunah@Joo Chiat Rd. She said she rather go to Malay restaurant compared to other restaurant, cause she dont really fancy those food..Come to think about it, true jugak, rather then we spent the money to bring her to fancy restaurant and pay for so much and she just eat 1 small plate of food...

Anyway, punyalah ramai orang queueing up for the order sampai kat luar restaurant...Lupa nak bawa camera to record our menu there..Lunch pun keluar dah lambat, cause waited for my brother so we reached there around 3pm...after that we makan sampai dah tersadai kat kerusi..hehe..then  just went straight home and believe or not we skipped our dinner cause was still full...

The above 'Chicken Macaroni In Tomato Broth', was last week menu...especially for Iqram and Marsya..this dish is really not hot and suitable for kids...Iqram bertambah sampai mulut2 comot sebab dia menghirup the soup..hehe...Orang tua yang suka pedas like me, memang makan tak ada 'kick' ler..hehe this dish is easy to prepare before the kids come back from school.

1kg chicken breast- cut to bite size pieces-(1kg dada ayam potong kecil)
4 medium tomatoes- remove seeds cut into pieces then liquidise-(4 biji tomato dibuang bijinya then di kisar)
2 cloves garlic-add to tomato and liquidise-(2 bawang putih- disatukan dengan tomato, dikisar)
1/2 tbsp ground black pepper-(1/2 sudu besar serbuk  lada hitam)
1 tbsp butter-(1 sudu besar mentega)
6 tbsp tomato puree-(6 sudu besar tomato puree)
800ml water-(800ml air)
1 medium carrot-peel then cut into small cubes-(1 batang lobak merah sederhana dipotong dadu)
50g green peas-(50g kacang peas)
juice of 1 lemon-(1 biji jus lemon)
salt  & sugar to taste-(garam & gula secukupnya)

Combine chicken with ground tomato and pepper. Heat butter, add chicken-tomato mixture and stir well. Add tomato puree, water, carrot and green peas. Bring to the boil, add lemon juice and salt and stir well. Continue to simmer till chicken and carrots are soft.
Note: This is a bland dish suitable for children.-(Gaulkan ayam bersama tomato kisar dan serbuk lada hitam. Pijarkan mentega, masukkan campuran ayam-tomato kisar dan kacau rata. Masukkan toamto puree, air lobak merah dan kacang peas. Setelah mendidih, masukkan jus lemon , garam dan gula dan gaul lagi. Kacau lagi sehingga lobak merah dan kacang peas empuk. Nota:- Masakkkan ini sesuai untuk anak2 kerana tak pedas)
Sources:-From Zarina's Easy Cooking

Sunday, May 09, 2010

H.A.P.P.Y M.O.T.H.E.R 's D.A.Y

I would like to wish to all mothers, grandmothers  and  friends 
for those who are already a mother,
for those who are grandmothers
for those who are going to be one
or planning to to be one..hehe 
Tak sempat rasanya nak meronda  satu rumah ke satu rumah,
Please feel free to have the above image
to brighten up your day!

Mothers Day
A Mother loves right from the start.
She holds her baby close to her heart.
The bond that grows will never falter.
Her love is so strong it will never alter.

A Mother gives never ending Love.
She never feels that she has given enough.
For you she will always do her best.
Constantly working, there's no time to rest.

A Mother is there when things go wrong.
A hug and a kiss to help us along.
Always there when we need her near.
 Gently wipes our eyes when we shed a tear.

So on this day shower your Mother with Love.
Gifts and presents are nice but that is not enough.
Give your Mother a day to have some peace of mind.
Be gentle, be good, be helpful, be kind.
Happy Mothers Day.
Carol Matthews

Below are some of the cards from my cyber friends

 Beautiful Roses from AlongRoz@Miri Sarawak

Rose from Japan 
of Ros@JMC

Crysanthemum from Kak Ummi@Kuantan

Pink & white roses from Yatie@USA
Mother's love from Love2cook@Kuala Lumpur

Pink roses from Azatie@Perak 
Thank you all for the cards.
Have a nice day Ok.!